Fenrir the queen on minun, Jenny Juntusen, luova maailma ja ympäristö jossa saan luoda mitä haluan

Feast in the theater

So I had an internship at the local Dance Theater Minimi and from the internship I changed into an actual job there. One of the great opportunities I’ve had there I got to take photos of their food theater production during November and December. It was my first time seeing this kind of production and an idea in theater and it was very funny and a great show. I had a lot of fun taking all these photos during the shows and I hope I’ll be able to do this kind of photography in the future too, because shooting theater shows is actually very interesting to do.
I also worked so damn hard for these photos, during shooting them and during editing them and frankly I’m quite proud of myself for them, hope you also like them and get a piece of the show through them!